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The first steps to lasting weight loss and lifelong health start with your DNA

A 3-hour intensive coaching experience with 4 of Australia’s leading
authorities on weight loss, nutrition, and health


Do you struggle with any of the following?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been trying to lose weight for years or just started your first diet yesterday…
If you’re tired of wasting time and money on yo-yo weight loss and fad diets…

If you want true, lasting weight loss so you can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see…

…and have the health to enjoy your family, your job, and your life without resorting to dangerous diet pills or surgery…

Then you're in the right place.

dr denise furness geneticist nutritionist

My name is Dr. Denise Furness, and as a geneticist (PhD), nutritionist, and fitness professional I used to struggle terribly with my weight…

…for years it seemed like my body would never cooperate with me.

I starved myself and exercised too much to try to lose the fat in my arms and belly…

In fact, I went to such an unhealthy extreme that I didn’t have my period for 2 years…I was completely deprived and ended up developing thyroid problems as a result.

And for all that effort it still only resulted in skinny “chicken legs” and no backside while my arms and stomach remained flabby.

When I went back to eating and exercising to a more normal degree, my arms and belly got so embarrassingly big I felt self-conscious wearing short sleeved shirts even in the heat of summer.

It took me years to finally understand that my body was genetically designed a certain way…and I had unknowingly been fighting against it.

The truth is, no diet, no exercise routine, and no amount of “willpower” would’ve ever gotten me to my ideal weight if I hadn’t taken my genetics into account first.

dr denise furness geneticist nutritionist

How the weight loss industry works against you

It’s no secret that most diet plans fail.

In fact, long-term studies show that most women who follow some sort of diet program regain one-third to two-thirds of that weight within one year…

…and many often end up weighing more than when they first began.

If these diets actually worked, we wouldn’t have to go on so many of them.

What about diet pills or surgery?

But that’s child’s play compared with the very serious side effects of the diet supplements so many women take. OxyElite Pro, for example, which is marketed as a weight loss and muscle building supplement, was linked to dozens of cases of hepatitis, liver failure (some patients needed liver transplants) and one death.

Not surprisingly, weight loss surgeries aren’t any better. The Department of Surgery at the University of Southern California lists infections, ulcers, spleen injuries, stroke, heart attack and death as possible side effects of gastric bypass and gastric banding.

The department estimates that one out of every 200 people die following complications from gastric bypass procedures and one out of every 1,000 from gastric banding.

The role genetics plays in your weight loss

What we eat and how we move impacts our weight, but they’re by no means the biggest factor determining what our bodies look like…

That factor is genetics.

The genes we got from generations of ancestors determine not just the color of our eyes, but the shape and size of our bodies.

You have a unique healthy weight, and a very complex system of metabolic and hormonal forces work to keep you at that weight…

…and if you try to fight against that, keeping in shape is always going to be an uphill battle for you.

That's why I created "The Genetics of Weight Loss", a special 3 hour workshop designed to help you work together with your body naturally so you can lose weight, gain definition, and stay fit without resorting to fad diets, dangerous medications or expensive surgery.

Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!

But while putting this together I was acutely aware that the last thing we need is “just another” weight loss program.

I wanted this to be the most transformative, life-changing weight loss event of 2020…

That’s why I made some phone calls and have brought together three of the leading authorities on weight loss, strength training, and nutrition in the entire country to join me live for this special, one-time event.

Meet Your Trainers

The Queen of Lean (AKA Amanda Brown)

Time-saving weight loss strategies for busy women

As a business owner, mother, and wife herself, Amanda knows well the importance of maximizing the results you get during your workouts.

After all, she’s not known as the “Queen of Lean” for nothing.

She’s successfully trained 100’s of professional working women who juggle their careers, children, and families while still trying to find the time to keep healthy and in shape…

That’s why she’s going to be digging deep into:
  • How to know your minimum effective training dose so you can look amazing without having to live at the gym
  • The critical, necessary mindsets for effective weight loss (hint: losing weight is as much mental as it is physical)
  • Quick metabolism boosts to burn more fat throughout your day
  • The direct impact stress has on losing weight, and what you can do about it

And a whole lot more…

Cause here’s the thing: Getting in shape isn’t an “all or nothing” proposition…

…and you don’t have to live out your days overweight just because you have a busy life.

The answer isn't to train harder, it's to train smarter.

In this session the “Queen of Lean” will show you how.

Bio: Amanda Brown, the founder of the Queen of Lean, launched this brand because she was tired of women not having access to high-end information which delivers health, happiness and the best weight loss results. She loves showing women that it isn’t that hard to bring back the sparkle, as long as you have access to the right community and information. You may have also seen her in several fitness publications including Oxygen Magazine, or Winning Figure Competitions or breaking deadlifting records. Now she is a Mum and thrives off seeing women transform their lives.

Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!

Angelique Clarke

Fat loss fallacies of the modern woman: What they didn't teach you in diet school!

So much of the dieting advice that’s taught by so-called weight loss “experts” these days is out of date and was disproved by science long ago…yet it’s still being used today.

Well, it’s not the 1950’s anymore.

Not only can out-of-date information cause women to waste their time and money on programs that will never work…

…but some of the advice can even be harmful (remember when doctors used to “prescribe” smoking cigarettes to pregnant women to help calm their nerves?)

That’s why Angelique dives deep into critical, weight-loss changing issues such as:

  • The flaw in the energy balance equation (how many women still ignore this will shock you)
  • The ins and outs of fat loss science
  • The single best diet for sustainable fat loss (hint: it’s not what you think)
  • How your hormones play an integral role in your body composition, and how to adjust for them

Here’s the thing: If you’re listening to old advice, ignoring your hormones and the role they play in your energy requirements, and disregarding new scientific evidence about the way our bodies eliminate fat and build muscle…

…then how can you ever expect to lose the weight you have, let alone keep it off?

Angelique will bring you up to speed in session 2.

Bio: Angie Clark is a Sports Dietitian, Performance Nutritionist and Exercise
Physiologist. She has worked in the health, wellness and fitness space for over 15 years,
with numerous roles in a diverse range of sports at every level from regular gym goer right
through to elite physique athletes and celebrity transformations. Her biggest mission is to
help uncomplicate nutrition so you can access ultimate performance, in your activity and in
life and she is keen to share her elite secrets and science-backed nutrition hacks for a high
performing lifestyle.

Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!
“With Angie’s guidance, I totally transformed my body. She coached and educated me about evidence based nutrition, applying her extensive knowledge of scientific principles to aid me to exceed my body composition goals.”
- ES

Tracey Curran

Strength training for weight loss, body shaping, and healthy ageing

When women think of strength training they’re often concerned about getting too muscular and bulky…

But here’s the thing: unless you spend every day at the gym for years lifting extremely heavy weights for hours…

…that’s simply not true.

Not only is cardio not the only way to get thin, but sometimes it’s not even the best way.

Strength training helps you lose weight so you don’t have to be out there killing yourself with cardio every day…

…and as your muscle mass increases so does your basal metabolic rate, so you’re actually burning more energy day to day because the muscle in your body requires more energy.

That’s why in session 3 Tracey will walk you through important issues such as:

  • Strength vs cardio for losing weight and getting a thin, flat tummy
  • Strength training to sculpt and shape a sexy body
  • The best exercises to promote healthy ageing (so you can still move well and be strong as you get older)

And much more…

Here’s the thing: Strength training is so much more than just weight loss. It gives you long lean muscles and allows you to tone and shape the areas you want toned and shaped.

It’s about function.

It’s about health.

It’s about being able to move.

It’s about staying strong.

And the side benefit to all of that is looking really good.

In session 3 Tracey will show you how.

“I feel like I struck gold with Tracey! Her knowledge and expertise are the best of the best. Within months I was getting the results I was after, not just weight loss, but improved strength and better health. Plus, I can't believe she's almost 50, truly inspirational!”
- DF
Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!

Dr Denise Furness

"The genetics of weight loss - personalizing your weight loss plan for YOU!"

The DNA in your body is responsible for the color of your hair, the size of your feet, the curve of your jaw line…

…and like it or not, the shape and size of your body.

After studying genetics, nutrition, and fitness for the past 20 years I can tell you one thing for sure:

If you ignore your genetics in your weight loss plan, you’re going to run into trouble.

In fact, this is a critical reason so many women struggle their entire lives to get in shape.

That’s why I’m going to go in-depth on key weight loss factors, such as:

  • The most important genes you need to consider while trying to lose weight and get in shape
  • The biggest diet myths out there, and how to filter through all the noise to know what’s true and what’s not
  • How to tailor the best nutrient intake and exercise plan for your individual needs (since we’re all genetically unique, our weight loss plan must also be unique)
  • The critical importance of a holistic approach to getting in shape (after all, what’s the point of losing weight if what you’re doing is making you sick?)

Plus a whole lot more…

Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!

Look, we all know the statistics…most women who decide to get in shape stick with it for a while before eventually giving up.

Except you.

Not this time.

You might be wondering what all this costs, and that’s a fair question.

But let me ask you this: 

How much have you already spent on meal plans, weight loss programs and diet pills that have done nothing to help you lose weight long term…

…or even caused you to gain back more weight as a result?

 More importantly, how many years have you wasted trying to get healthy while your life continues to pass you by?

This is about so much more than just losing weight.

When you’re overweight you’re at increased risk of all kinds of diseases:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease and strokes
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Kidney disease

The list goes on and on.

It’s not an accident you’re reading this right now.

dr denise furness geneticist nutritionist

Tracey, Amanda, Angelique and I can show you the way, give you the tools, and lay out the right strategy for you to finally lose that weight, get in shape, and regain your health…

But we can’t make the decision for you.

So the question you have to ask yourself now is, how much is finally losing that weight, getting in shape, and regaining a healthy lifestyle worth to you?

The Genetics of Weight Loss Live Event

1 Easy Payment of $495
  • Online training event with 4 of Australia’s leading authorities on genetics, weight loss, strength training, and nutrition.
  • Kiss yo-yo dieting goodbye forever.
  • Dispel old weight loss myths that do more harm than good.
  • Learn the delicate balance between strength training and cardio.
  • Discover the key to having your DNA work for you rather than against you.
  • Your questions answered live.
  • Lifetime access to the recorded videos.
Ready to sign up? Click the button to register now!

Now the ball’s in your court.

6 months from now you could be looking back on this moment as the best decision you ever made, while your weight drops off and you begin to gain back your energy, clarity of mind, strength, flexibility, endurance, and health…

…or 6 months from now you could be wasting time and money on the same weight loss programs and routines, or taking the same dangerous diet pills as your weight continues to bounce around while you waste yet another year of your life with no change.

It's time to draw a line in the sand and take action
in a new direction today.

Click the button below to join us now.
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