Discover why most thyroid plans fail

Learn my step by step framework to identify the underlying triggers that cause thyroid imbalance and natural solutions for a healthy thyroid, balanced hormones, and increased energy

dr denise furness geneticist nutritionist

Discover why most thyroid plans fail

Learn my step by step framework to identify the underlying triggers that cause thyroid imbalance and natural solutions for a healthy thyroid, balanced hormones, and increased energy

Mastering Thyroid Health

Starting October 12th 2020 @12pm AEST

There is nothing more frustrating than having a heap of symptoms such as unexplained weight gain, or severe weight loss, bloating, fatigue and brain fog and the Dr not knowing what is wrong…… OR……. there is a diagnosis such as hypothyroid or hyperthyroid and medication…..BUT… doesn’t solve all the problems…fatigue, bloating and brain fog are still there.

Sadly, there is no magic pill to lose fat, gain muscle, grow luscious long hair, fix blemished skin or get energy back! BUT, with my step by step framework it is possible to reverse many, if not all, of these frustrating symptoms.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this workshop

Discover the importance of DNA health and the power of epigenetics for thyroid health
Learn the basics of thyroid function, DNA health, and the power of epigenetics. We will develop a timeline pinpointing the factors that have led to your current state of health.
The critical mindset shift to move the body into a place of healing
Thoughts impact every aspect of our lives, including health. Learn how thoughts influence gene expression (turning genes off or on) and biochemistry. We will also start to map out strategies to improve mindset and sleep, ultimately promoting rest, recovery, healing, and energy.
The top chemicals that can cause thyroid damage (most people are exposed to these every day!)
The modern world is full of chemicals. Identify what chemicals are necessary to avoid in order to improve health and balance hormones. Also, we will cover strategies to support your genes and body to help eliminate potentially harmful chemicals and toxins that are a known risk factor for many diseases.
Hydration and nutrition – how to heal the body with food
Discover the key nutrients needed for optimal thyroid function. Plus, we will explore different diets and common drinks (water, coconut water, kombucha, coffee, tea, alcohol) that can help heal OR in some cases hold the body back from healing.
Finalise your road map to health
On day 5 we will bring all the information and tools you have learnt together to create your road map to recovery. This unique plan will contain the elements that conventional medicine does not teach, and it will address root causes of thyroid and hormonal imbalance.
dr denise furness geneticist nutritionist

Hi, I'm Dr Denise Furness

I personally know what it is like to suffer, having overcome an autoimmune thyroid disease (Graves) myself along with the loss of my mum to early onset Dementia.

This is why as a Geneticist (PhD), Nutritionist (RNutr) and fitness professional (AusRep) I have made it my mission to help as many women as possible learn to thrive, not just survive.

Using nutrigenomics, epigenetics and lifestyle medicine (aka personalised health), I believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to regaining health. Using nutrition and lifestyle strategies, I help women deal with the root of their thyroid condition so they can be at their best and hit their goals – whatever they may be – career, pregnancy, or just feeling radiant and alive!

"The first time I heard about Denise was on the Fx Medicine podcast and within a few minutes I was like 'I MUST see her!' Little did I know, that she would have such a big impact on changing the course of my life! (in pulling me out of a really bad state health wise and also inspiring me to get into the health science field!). Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us all!"
Di Hill